Dr Peter Walford

Dr Peter Walford

Dr Peter Walford is well-known as a Live Stage presenter and online mentor in composite techniques for the BCDA. He has lectured across Canada and published a number of articles about adhesion dentistry in Canadian journals.

After operating a mobile dental clinic on Hornby and Denman Islands for 33 years he is qualified to say what lasts and what doesn’t.


Winning Procedures in Adhesion; Bombproof Class IIs and Maryland Bridges that Actually Last

Dr Peter Walford debunks the myth that composite restorations have to be short lived, or that adhesion is only a minor addition to treatment choices for our patients. This lecture will cover what can be achieved by optimizing the steps in the chain of technique that ties together composite restorations. Best practices in method, best choices in materials, best methods of isolation and other adjuncts are game changers in patient comfort and longevity. Learn how the restorative team can expand the envelope before crowns become mandatory, and how to make every treatment durable and painless. Special emphasis will be placed on steps that the CDA controls.

The second part of this lecture highlights a small evolution in the Maryland Bridge technique that elevates this modality from frustration to bulletproof. Dr Walford will show cases with a history of 20 years successful function involving over 500 restorations and spans of up to 10 teeth – amazing!!

Special Feature: Dr Walford’s mobile clinic will be available at the event for a walk-through for conference attendees.